Hybrid/heterogeneous programming with OmpSs and its software/hardware implications
Hybrid/heterogeneous programming with OmpSs and its software/hardware implications. Programming Multicore and Many-core Computing Systems. Volume 86. (p. 101- ). John Wiley & Sons..
Discussion about some desirables features of future programming models when programming on top of hybrid and heterogenous architectures.
###Abstract Multicore architectures alleviate several problems that are related to single-core processors but at the same time raise the programmability wall: experienced application developers find it hard to extract reasonable performance from shared memory homogeneous multicore architectures, and the situation is even worse when considering heterogeneous multicore architectures, distributed memories and explicitly managed memory hierarchies. In order to overcome the new programming challenges, programming models need to evolve to include features that offer a simple and portable path to migrate applications to homogeneous and heterogeneous architectures.