Xavier Teruel 's publication

Hybrid/heterogeneous programming with OmpSs and its software/hardware implications

Eduard Ayguade, Rosa M Badia, Pieter Bellens, Javier Bueno, Alejandro Duran, Yoav Etsion, Montse Farreras, Roger Ferrer, Jesus Labarta, Vladimir Marjanovic, Lluis Martinell, Xavier Martorell, Josep M. Perez, judit Planas, Alex Ramirez, Xavier Teruel, Ioanna Tsalouchidou and Mateo Valero. Hybrid/heterogeneous programming with OmpSs and its software/hardware implications. Programming Multicore and Many-core Computing Systems. Volume 86. (p. 101- ). John Wiley & Sons..

Discussion about some desirables features of future programming models when programming on top of hybrid and heterogenous architectures.

###Abstract Multicore architectures alleviate several problems that are related to single-core processors but at the same time raise the programmability wall: experienced application developers find it hard to extract reasonable performance from shared memory homogeneous multicore architectures, and the situation is even worse when considering heterogeneous multicore architectures, distributed memories and explicitly managed memory hierarchies. In order to overcome the new programming challenges, programming models need to evolve to include features that offer a simple and portable path to migrate applications to homogeneous and heterogeneous architectures.

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News & Events

OpenMP F2F 2018-2

A good week in Bordeaux, France focused on closing different open topics in the specification and many of those who have been discussed during past weeks have been shaping up and they are in good condition to go through the committee’s votes.

OpenMP tasking at ISC 2018

An advanced tutorial using the tasking model of the OpenMP standard. This course includes recent addition of OpenMP 4.5, being all the lecturers part of the OpenMP language committee.


Last Face to Face meeting before the end of the project and we have report the work progress for the different work packages and several technical sessions in a one-and-a-half-day meeting in Stockholm, Sweden.

PATC (May, 2017)

The tutorial will motivate the audience on the need for portable, efficient programming models that put less pressure on program developers while still getting good performance for clusters and clusters with GPUs.

OpenMP F2F 2018-1

We have done a very good progress towards the future of the OpenMP 5.0 specification. We have discussed many issues and voted several tickets that finally have already been included in the specification (or will do in the short term).

OmpSs demos at SC 2017

Two short demos at the exhibition center showing the basic concepts of the OmpSs programming model. See you in the BSC booth (#1975).